Tahoe area residents have access to a number of services that make disposing of trash simple and more convenient. Take advantage by visiting the pages below.

Household Hazardous waste disposal
State law prohibits many common household items like paint, batteries, electronics and sharps from being placed in your bin. Keeping these items out of your bin helps protect the environment and the people collecting and sorting your waste, and allows our sorters to focus on recovering more recyclables. These items can still be easily disposed or recycled – find an option that works for you!

Green Waste Recycling
There are two primary options for residents to properly dispose of green waste and maintain Defensible Space for wildfire protection. The free drop-off and discounted Green Waste Dumpster Rental Program options are offered during key months in the year.

Bear Box Loan Program
Bears that get into garbage can pose a threat to people and their property, as well as themselves. Potentially dangerous bears are usually killed, so it’s crucial to prevent them from getting into the trash.

Beverage Container Redemption Center
The Eastern Regional MRF has the only California Refund Value (CRV) recycling center in the Tahoe/Truckee area! Get cash back for your bottles and cans.

More than 50,000 mattresses end up in U.S. landfills each day. That’s why Placer County and the Eastern Regional MRF have been recycling them since 2013. Now, through a partnership with the Mattress Recycling Council and their Bye Bye Mattress program, you can drop them off for FREE!